
2020 innovAGEING National Awards Finalists

4 years ago
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innovAGEING, along with its Foundation Partners the Commonwealth Bank and KPMG, is delighted to announce the finalists for the 2020 innovAGEING National Awards.

The individual and organisation finalists in the six categories are:

Age Services Innovator of the Year Award
April Creed and Rebecca Glover from ExSitu with IRT, Colin McDonnell from Calvary Care, Doreen Power from Lyndoch Living Ltd, Kate Weger from Southern Cross Care (SA, NT & VIC) Inc.

Enhancing Consumer Experience
Guide Healthcare Allied Health Team with Eventide Homes Stawell, SilVR Adventures with St Joseph’s Aged Care (Lismore), UnitingCare Queensland, IRT

Improving Consumer Choice
Uniting Communities, Lyndoch Living Ltd, the Moove & Groove Program with Uniting (NSW & ACT), ExSitu with IRT

Increasing Care and Productivity
ECH, Jindalee Aged Care, Lyndoch Living Ltd, PosiSense with St. Sergius Aged Care, Villa Maria Catholic Homes

Increasing Access to Care and Services
ExSitu with IRT, Helping Hand Aged Care, and IRT Group

Realising Wellness and Reablement
ACH Group, ADSSI Limited and YourLink, Benetas, Guide Healthcare with BUPA Calwell and BUPA Stirling, PresCare

“I deeply congratulate all of the finalists who are part of reshaping ageing well in Australia,” said head of innovAGEING, Merlin Kong.

“Every one of these innovations is about change, giving people what they want, being more productive and delivering quality services.

“This has been an extremely successful nomination round and it is heartening to see this happening because innovation is specific to organisations and their challenges and what they are trying to achieve to be the best.

“Our innovAGEING Awards have harvested a rich crop of dynamic services and transformations from across the nation, highlighting organisational, ecological and clinical change.

“We are also excited this year to introduce a special Innovator of the Year Award, to honour particular entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs.

“After last year’s inaugural awards, it became clear there was an opportunity to recognise specific high achievers, showcasing the individual innovators who shine in the age services sector.

“One of the key motivators for innovAGEING is to showcase innovation in the sector and highlight and communicate these across the country.

“We are also acknowledging the hard work the sector has achieved and how innovative it is, to make ageing better for Australians.

“When we look at growing older in the best way – with the various government reforms at play, the technology available to us at the moment and changing service demands and productivity pressures – innovation is critically important.

“Innovation touches on everything that the sector is going through, as we work to spread excellence and transformation, to cement Australia as a world leader in better ageing.” 

The innovAGEING National Awards will be announced on 26 November 2020.

To register for this year’s innovAGEING National Awards event, visit:

For more information on the innovAGEING National Awards, visit: