
2020 innovAGEING National Awards Finalists Details

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Age Services Innovator of the Year Award
  • April Creed and Rebecca Glover, ExSitu with Illawarra Retirement Trust (IRT) for their work in spinning out their advanced care planning platform from IRT and sharing their experience to mentor others to innovate.
  • Colin McDonnell, Calvary Care for his work in implementing digital tools with Leef Independent Living Solutions to support people living with dementia at Calvary’s 14 residential care facilities in NSW, ACT, and SA.
  • Doreen Power, Lyndoch Living Limited for her leadership in changing Lyndoch Living’s philosophy and model of care, including an ambitious masterplan to transform the built environment to support an integrated aged care model.
  • Kate Weger, Southern Cross Care (SA, NT & VIC) Inc for her work in establishing the Wound Champion Program, a holistic approach to wound management and prevention, providing excellent service that promotes quality of life.

Enhancing Consumer Experience
  • Guide Healthcare Allied Health Team with Eventide Homes Stawell for their collaboration to develop the Care Cards App, improving how carers communicate with their clients, residents and loved ones.
  • Illawarra Retirement Trust (IRT) for their IRT Connect app platform with Checked In Care, allowing clients, family members, staff or authorised third parties to build their own experience within the app, to ensure they have the information they need, when they need it.
  • SilVR Adventures with St Joseph’s Aged Care (Lismore) for their work to provide residents with virtual experiences and activities during COVID-19.
  • UnitingCare Queensland for their Customer Experience and Innovation team’s development of the Lightkeeper App to support informal carers and for adopting new technologies to help shift the organisation towards a people-first culture.

Improving Consumer Choice
  • ExSitu with IRT for their work to give ageing Australians the benefit of creating personalised, clinically relevant, and holistic advance care planning documents.
  • Lyndoch Living Limited for their work in redesigning their service delivery model allowing residents to choose how they want their day to unfold.
  • The Moove & Groove Program with Uniting (NSW & ACT) for their collaboration with Uniting (NSW & ACT) to transition from traditional group-based lifestyle activities to more individualised programs consistent with person-centred models of care.
  • Uniting Communities for their U City Retirement Residences considered the most mixed-use demographic high-rise development in Australia, with access to extensive community service programs.

Increasing Care and Productivity
  • ECH for their work with innovative start-ups like Billy and Mint Social to disrupt long-held industry ‘set and forget’ care and service delivery models.
  • Jindalee Aged Care for their collaboration with Humanetix to codify best practice clinical processes to free staff from the time-consuming task of planning, recording and validating care delivery on paper.
  • Lyndoch Living Limited for introducing a new model of care that focuses on aligning staff, processes, data and technology to provide quality care and services within a new small household model, incorporating ageing in place principles.
  • PosiSense with St. Sergius Aged Care on their project to prevent pressure injuries with AI algorithms, Internet of Things technology, and behavioural science models.
  • Villa Maria Catholic Homes for their collaboration with Umps Health to support clients with reduced face-to-face contact with family and care workers, to stay safe and connected during COVID-19.

Increasing Access to Care and Services
  • ExSitu with IRT for their further development of their platform during COVID-19 to deliver person-centred, person-controlled advance care planning documents without the need for facilitation or external support.
  • Helping Hand Aged Care for their Real Care The Second Time Around Project and initiatives responding to the aged care needs of Forgotten Australians/Care Leavers.
  • IRT Group for their development of the IRT Connect App and creating a new care channel incorporating tools for remote screening, diagnostics and monitoring, with the use of existing data sets.

Realising Wellness and Reablement
  • ACH Group for their Smart Technology service, providing older people with Occupational Therapy assessment and advice, plus Smart Home technology to enable reablement, wellness, and independence.
  • ADSSI Limited and YourLink for their ‘Digital Connection’ and ‘Connect with Tech’ programs to get residents and staff digital-ready.
  • Guide Healthcare with BUPA Calwell and BUPA Stirling for their Get Up Guide Program to provide older people with exercise experiences and competitions based on residents’ interests and abilities.  
  • Benetas for their implementation of a user-friendly online Positive Ageing Tool (PAT) with tailored resources to ensure older Australians are informed and in control of their ageing journey.
  • PresCare for their partnership with Conpago to create and implement a unique technological application to deliver healthcare and social supports to rural and isolated communities to meet the specific needs of people requiring aged care.

The innovAGEING National Awards will be announced on 26 November 2020. We thank our Foundation Partners, the Commonwealth Bank and KPMG, for their great support.

To register for this year’s innovAGEING National Awards event, visit:

For more information on the innovAGEING National Awards, visit: