
Calls for innovAGEING National Awards

6 years ago
InnovAGEING > Media + Blog > Media > Calls for innovAGEING National Awards
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Nominations for the innovAGEING National Awards open today.

The Awards celebrate the achievements of organisations who have made the age services industry more consumer-centred, and successfully implemented a new and better way of providing care and services for older Australians.

“These awards highlight the fact that age services is emerging as an important driver of innovation in our country,” says Merlin Kong, Head of innovAGEING.

“What’s exciting about the innovAGEING National Awards is that they reflect the burgeoning number of examples of innovation that bring a fresh perspective to the delivery of aged care in Australia.

“The industry is becoming more sophisticated in the way we view innovation, and this has gone beyond mere talk of technology and features.

“There’s a greater appreciation of how innovation is managed, cultural shifts that need to occur for innovation to happen, and increased affinity to designing services and products that older Australians want and need.”

The Awards program reflects this sentiment with the following categories:

  • Improving Consumer Choice
  • Enhancing Consumer Experience
  • Realising Wellness and Re-Ablement
  • Increasing Care and Service Productivity
  • Increasing Access to Care and Services

innovAGEING is an Australian Government funded initiative, and an integral network initiative  to highlight and elevate innovation in the industry through a national awards program. This is jointly supported by innovAGEING Foundation Partners, the Commonwealth Bank and KPMG.

Belinda Hegarty, National Head of Healthcare at Commonwealth Bank says: 
“As Australia’s population continues to age, the demand and stress on existing aged-care services will only continue to rise. Innovation within the sector is paramount to managing this increase in demand while improving patient experience. We are proud to be supporting the innovAGEING National Awards which encourages and shines a spotlight on innovation across the seniors living sector.”

Nicki Doyle, Partner for Health, Ageing, and Human Services at KPMG agrees.

“Innovation is critical to the future of the aged care sector, and ensuring organisations who contribute to the innovation agenda are acknowledged is important. KPMG is proud to support the innovAGEING National Awards, recognising the organisations who have fostered innovation to deliver exceptional outcomes for older Australians.”

“In a nutshell, we have incredible network partners supporting the National Awards, and we have an age services industry more than ready to be celebrated,” says Mr Kong.

Nominations for the innovAGEING National Awards close on 10 June 2019, and the Awards event will be held on 26 June in Sydney.

More information and the Awards guidelines are available here.

For more information:
David O’Sullivan, Leading Age Services Australia, E:, Ph: 0427 138 024