Integrated Care 'The Lyndoch Way': Doreen Power Bringing Leadership to Organisational Transformation

3 years ago
InnovAGEING > Case Studies > Integrated Care ‘The Lyndoch Way’: Doreen Power Bringing Leadership to Organisational Transformation

Traditionally residential aged care homes have been isolated and disconnected from the wider community, making residents feel like they no longer belong or have a role in society.

This disconnect also means younger members of the community have less awareness about older people, which can create stigmatisaton around ageing. Institutionalising and isolating aged care is not the answer.

Integrated care is key
When Doreen Power took the helm at Lyndoch Living in Victoria’s Warnambool, she initiated and activated an ambitious masterplan to transform the built environment to support an integrated model of care, with a focus on best-practice dementia design, a small household model, plus co-located healthcare, education and social hubs.

She also established collaborative community partnerships through the Lyndon Innovation platform:

  • Waltanna Living partnership with Waltanna Farms producing healthy real food products for aged care.
  • Sponsorship of the major annual horse racing event connects residents with the community.
  • Partnership with BarbCare to ‘Keep Families Connected’ offers residents an app for real time communication and connection.

Change in stages
Stage 1 of the masterplan is now complete, with a newly refurbished residential aged care home designed with Eden Principles, which enables the resident to make their own choices. The refurbished wing offers an environment that can adapt to suit residents’ needs and is aligned with the new model of care that supports small households, and gives residents ownership to make changes to their built environment.

The next stage, the new Primary Care Centre, will provide residents and the broader community with access to medical care; allied health, pharmacy, pathology and radiology services; and wellness programs. It will be enriched with social opportunities including a café, therapeutic gardens, activity spaces and mixed living accommodations.

For innovation to thrive, education is key. Learning requires an inspiring and fit-for-purpose space, which is why Stage 3 includes new education hub and collaborative workspaces for residents, staff and the wider community to work, collaborate and learn. The education hub will be intergenerational, fostering an exchange of skills and ideas.

Game-changing philosophy
Being clear on values is an important way to build change. When the new CEO began in her role, through collaboration with her team, Doreen established ‘The Lyndoch Way’, to clarify to the entire staff what they represented.

The Lyndoch Way’s core values are: one team, pride, welcoming, say yes, customer services, innovation, and having fun. Lyndoch staff have embraced this philosophy, and share a collective mission to validate the lives of their residents, and help them to live well.

Integrated care is at the heart of The Lyndoch Way. The new environment will mean that the aged care provider no longer works in silo, and is fully integrated into the wider community.

This is a game-changing transformation, with rewards for both residents and community members, and also for the aged care organisation, which can access new funding streams through the services offered on-site.

More information

Doreen Power was a Finalist in the innovAGEING Age Services Innovator of the Year Award 2020.