IRT and Checked In Care Personalising Care Experience for Elders and their Families

4 years ago
InnovAGEING > Case Studies > IRT and Checked In Care Personalising Care Experience for Elders and their Families


Australians are indicating a preference to age in place, in their own home, but in some cases they face greater social isolation than ever before and there are also concerns around safety, particularly when people live alone.

Technology plays an important supporting role in realising Australia’s vision of  true ageing in place for everyone who chooses to do so, and in delaying the need for residential aged care services. It also has a role in providing more consumer-centred and seamless care in aged care homes.

IRT Connect app

IRT Connect app is a bespoke telehealth technology and more–built by aged care provider, IRT, in partnership with Checked in Care, and co-designed with ACT home care clients.

The app provides a single source of accurate information for clients, and information for IRT to engage GPs and allied health professionals, either immediately or flagging future needs.

Developed in response to the imminent risk of social isolation and access to care and services ahead of COVID-19 lockdowns, the app allows customisation of personalised consumer experiences across all care streams.

Clients, staff, family members and other authorised participants in the care circle can build their own consumer experience within the app, in order to access the information they need, when they need it. There are also dynamic and predictive consumer experience enhancements enabled within the app.

Holistic care on-demand

IRT Connect is part of a holistic approach, which includes emotional inputs, social and family interaction inputs, independence inputs and care and IoT data inputs into the AI-enabled data exchange, to maximise and continually improve consumer experience.

The app integrates with all of IRT’s systems, allowing consumers to access financial, clinical, government and industry information, as well as scheduling health services and have digital consultations with GPs and allied health providers. Users can:

  • Access clinical information such as wellness plans and wound care
  • Connect with loved ones
  • Access health services
  • Find government and aged care information
  • Find information related to their local community

Through IRT Connect, users can also form their own interest groups and explore mutual interests with other people. It allows the consumer to build their own support requirements, and it also tracks and recommends improvements to emotional, social, independence and care support needs.

Supporting better care

By implementing IRT Connect, IRT has radically transformed consumer experience for their clients across home care, retirement living and residential aged care.

IRT Connect allows consumers to make informed decisions about self-managing their condition to support independent living. In cases where they are unable to self-manage their care, the consumer navigation capability can be seamlessly managed by other members in the circle of care.

Using this technology across all of IRT’s business operations has also allowed them to establish a data exchange and reporting hub with advanced business intelligence, analytics and reporting, to continually enhance the customer experience.

Data generated through the app provide reliable and real-time information on patterns of service use, needs and preferences, to enable further customisations based on the consumer usage patters and requirements.

This information also has applications in the wider community, and can inform needs-based expansion of care in particular local areas, via a truly consumer-centric and consumer-directed model.

More information

IRT and Checked In Care won the innovAGEING Increasing Access to Care and Services Award 2020, and were Finalists in the innovAGEING Enhancing Consumer Experience Award 2020.