St Vincent’s Care Services Partners With RateIt - Creates Trust and Connection for Residents During COVID19

5 years ago
InnovAGEING > Case Studies > St Vincent’s Care Services Partners With RateIt – Creates Trust and Connection for Residents During COVID19

During COVID-19, the St Vincent’s Care Services (SVCS) team faced an unprecedented challenge of managing a pandemic while still being sensitive to the needs of their residents and visitors. There was no universally applicable visitor management process in place across their facilities, and any policy introduced had to be regularly updated in accordance with government and Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQS) regulations.

Prue Densley, SVCS Executive General Manager of Consumer Experience, explained that there was ‘no way to capture accurate visitor numbers – everything was anecdotal. Regulations were often changing daily and we had to interpret and filter these new rules for aged care across three different states’.

RateIt’s visitor management solution: Zipline 

Under the recommendation of their CEO Lincoln Hopper, Ms Densley reached out to RateIt for help. In response, RateIt worked with SVCS to launch Zipline: a unique, 100% ACQS compliant visitor management system that incorporated visitor sentiment tracking, and provided analysis on how to operationalise visitor feedback. Zipline was deployed across all 20 SVCS sites, processing an average of 12,000 bookings per month.

Zipline facilitates remote facility management 

Zipline provided SVCS with a complete daily snapshot of visitor numbers per facility, helping the team plan for peak-visitor periods based on the captured data. Zipline also sent a post-visit SMS to each visitor, asking for feedback. This provided real-time responses on their experience, what they loved about their visit, and opportunities for improvement. From this feedback, SVCS could also extract a customer experience score for analysis. As an example, Ms Densley noted that SVCS recently found out that 96% of their visitors think the COVID-19 safety measures put in place were just right – insight they never had access to before.

More importantly, using RateIt’s Pulse of the Team technology, the SVCS management team realised that after the introduction of Zipline, all sites achieved an astonishing 88% approval rating from their frontline team members towards the COVID-19 safety policies put in place. Not only did Zipline help to mitigate visitor management problems, but it also provided critical operational data for SVCS to implement improvements for their employees.

A better relationship between SVCS, their residents and their visitors 

Zipline differed from ordinary visitor management systems because it fostered engagement beyond just the residents. Beyond just being a visitor management system, Zipline also served as an important platform that communicated between SVCS and its visitors. This was an especially important and delightful benefit for SVCS, particularly during this current stressful situation. Ms Densley noted that Zipline also operated as a great way to reach out to their visitors, and assess their response to any new policy changes they enacted.

Ms Densley concluded that ‘Zipline is a one-stop solution. It is easy to use, painless to integrate and just so efficient in managing visitors in line with government guidelines. The team is a delight to work with and have made me feel more informed and comfortable with what’s happening at each of our sites. It has been an exciting and much-needed venture that has created a space of trust and connection for our residents’ families and carers’.

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