
National Call Out for Innovative Best Practice in Aged Care

6 years ago
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Share your innovation experiences to help improve age services.

innovAGEING – Australia’s national innovation network for the aged care industry – is on the hunt for examples of best-practice innovation in the aged care industry.

Today’s call-out for aged care innovation case studies will develop a body of knowledge to assist aged care providers enhance their offerings for older Australians, and be more consumer-centric.

Merlin Kong, Principal Advisor for innovAGEING, says ongoing reforms, marketisation, and rapidly changing demographics are presenting an increasingly complex set of challenges for the aged care industry which can create a springboard of opportunities.

“This initiative is about collecting and bringing together the excellence already happening in our industry and make it accessible to all who are interested via the innovAGEING Open Lab.

“Today’s call-out for case studies is an invitation to aged care providers and vendors to share their innovation experiences, and outcomes achieved.

“There are many positive stories about aged care and the time to tell these stories is now,” said Mr Kong.

innovAGEINGis keen to receive case studies on initiatives that:

  • Used new concepts on ageing, and translated in service design and delivery
  • Have fostered new business models
  • Enabled providers to be more consumer-centric in its service delivery
Case study contributions 

You can submit a case study by emailing innovAGEING at and by completing a questionnaire.