
Nominations open for 2022 innovAGEING National Awards

3 years ago
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Nominations are now open for the 2022 innovAGEING National Awards, now in its fourth year.

innovAGEING, along with its Foundation Partners the Commonwealth Bank and KPMG Australia, are proud to call on all innovators who have developed new and better ways of providing care and services to older Australians to nominate for the awards.

Merlin Kong, Head of innovAGEING, said the Awards seek to celebrate and promote the achievements of those who have succeeded in improving aspects of aged care.

Now in its fourth year, the awards seek to recognise efforts by innovators to make aged care more consumer-centred by enabling older people to better meet the challenges presented through ageing.

“Most older people, by and large, are able to live successfully and independently, but for some continuing to live independently becomes a daily challenge; this is where our innovators come in,” Mr Kong said.

“We want to recognise and support, through our innovAGEING Awards, those individuals and organisations who lead by example by developing and implementing new ways to make ageing easier.

“By working to support older people with ideas that can help them remain living independently or continue to derive satisfaction from daily living is a win for the health and wellbeing of older people.”

Mr Kong said age services is emerging as a key driver of innovation in Australia, from innovative technologies to innovative processes which brings a new perspective to the sector.

“Innovation is more than high-tech features, it’s about applying a level of sophistication to our service delivery that takes into account the cultural shift we are experiencing,” Mr Kong said.

“I’m proud to once again have the opportunity to work alongside our valued Foundation Partners the Commonwealth Bank and KPMG, to continue to highlight the important role of innovation in aged care.”

Commonwealth Bank, National Head of Healthcare, Belinda Hegarty said innovation was playing a critical role in helping the healthcare system adjust to the increasing demands of an ageing population for affordable, quality care.

“Innovation in healthcare has accelerated in the past couple of years to keep pace with the unprecedented impact of Covid-19. This has led to some remarkable achievements in digital health products and services that are helping aged care services perform their vital role more effectively.

“CBA is committed to supporting the aged care sector and proud to be a part of innovAGEING National Awards to highlight and celebrate innovation for a smarter approach to healthcare.”

Nicki Doyle, Partner, KPMG Australia, said, “innovAGEING is a great opportunity for providers working across the aged care spectrum to drive improved outcomes for older Australians by using design thinking methodologies to innovate current service and deliver models across the sector.

“KPMG Australia believes in fostering innovation and transformation across the aged care sector to support deliver of the reform agenda. Our partnership with innovAGEING is an integral enabler to embed innovation within the sector.

“Innovation will enable aged care providers to adapt and respond by identifying, developing and implementing new ways of delivering services in order to deliver quality outcomes for older Australians.”

Nominations for the innovAGEING National Awards are being called for from aged care providers and organisations collaborating with aged care providers, in the following categories:

  • Improving Consumer Choice
  • Enhancing Consumer Experience
  • Realising Wellness and Re-Ablement
  • Increasing Care and Service Productivity
  • Increasing Access to Care and Services
  • Age Services Innovator of the Year

The innovAGEING National Awards are now open until 17 October 2022 with winners to be announced on 24 November 2022.

More information and details on how to nominate are available at: