Detection and monitoring systems. Non-intrusive wearable devices. Carer apps. All reflect tech’s growing role in aged care. Technology and design also have a presence in the space ...
“It is difficult to get someone to understand something when their salary depends upon them not understanding it.” — Upton Sinclair, The Jungle Strip the colourful post-it notes, b...
It’s the presence of others who are smarter, kinder, wiser, and different from you that enables you to evolve. Those are the people to surround yourself with at all times. —A...
Aged care professionals can now collaborate, share ideas, and gain knowledge in real-time with an online platform called the innovAGEING Open Lab, delivered with Gold Partner, Kont...
Sydney, NSW: Digital design and technology company, Alive and innovation network innovAGEING, established in late 2017 by Leading Age Services Australia, are pleased to announce a ...
Driverless cars for those in aged care are among the current innovations in the sector, and the federal government wants to get on board. On Wednesday, Minister for Aged Care Ken W...
A dollar for dollar investment into innovation in the aged care sector has been announced with the Federal Minister for Aged Care pledging $400,000 to the innovAGEING network over ...