
55 years ago
22 May
Adam Jahnke innovAGEING Cropped
Catalysing Aged Care’s ‘Next Normal’
Category: Blog
Digital services have played a crucial role in the aged care sector’s response to COVID-19. Across the country, aged care providers are using technology in new ways to ensure conti...
21 Apr
innovAGEING Virual Reality Clinical care Fusion Mag 2018
Virtual Reality: Coming to a clinical care session near you
Category: Blog
A robotic dog and virtual swims with dolphins are helping older Australians manage pain. In what may be Australia’s first use of virtual reality (VR) in the community setting, aged...
10 Mar
Digital design and technology meets aged care innovation
Digital design and technology meets aged care innovation
Category: Media
Sydney, NSW: Digital design and technology company, Alive and innovation network innovAGEING, established in late 2017 by Leading Age Services Australia, are pleased to announce a ...